Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Poltical Space (7) - More Hard Questions

6. How does the coming of the Kingdom of God affect the use of political power? Does it shrink the political space?

7. What should be the limits on political power in a world where political power seems to be the main vehicle for action and change? How should political power be used? Who should control political power? What can political power achieve? Jesus was very hostile to the use of political power. Does that change the shape or colour of the political space? What does that mean in a world where the political space is expanding rapidly.

8. What is the legitimate role political power in a society where a majority of the people are Christian? The funny thing is that political power is not very effective anyway. Political power is not doing very well at creating democracy in Iraq. It is not doing any better at eliminating poverty. We have a far better gospel.

9. What is the relationship between the church and the state? What is the role of the state in the Kingdom of God?

10. What is the place of democracy in the Kingdom of God? Democracy produced the golden calf, so does democracy remain relevant as the Kingdom of God increases. Is Democracy legitimate in the Kingdom of God? If so, how does the Kingdom of God influence the political space?

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