Friday, September 06, 2013

Playground Bully

A playground bully has to beat up one of the small kids every now and then. If he lets too much time go by without showing off his capacity for intimidation, the small kids will start giving him cheek and running away before he can react. If they get away with it for too long, some of the bigger boys will start having a go at him too, and that will be the beginning of the end of his domination.

Obama’s determination to whack Syria is more about protecting the reputation of American political and military power, than about protecting Syria’s children from indiscriminate killing by chemical weapons. A couple of hundred children have been indiscriminately killed by Obama’s drones. Children in Iraq are still being born deformed as the result of the Uniteds States use of depleted-uranium shells. American sanctions are killing children in Iran, just like they killed children in Iraq. Children all over the world are losing their limbs to American-made cluster bombs. These kinds of indiscriminate killing seems to be okay.

The real problem is that American military is currently suffering a defeat in Afghanistan. It failed to achieve its objectives in Iraq. The world is forgetting shock and awe, so Obama needs to thump a small nation to remind the world of America and Military dominance, before some of the bigger boys start thumbing their noses at him. Syria’s Assad was just the first smart kid to put up his hand and give Obama an opportunity.

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