Thursday, August 23, 2018

New Covenant Prophecy (4) Prophesying Disaster

Dan McCollam is concerned that prophets on the internet are prophesying tsunamis, fires, storms and other types of destruction and associating them with the judgment of God. They often feel validated when their prophecies of destruction come true and loss of life and destruction occur.

I agree with him. We should be validated by our Christlikeness. We should glory in nothing but the cross of Jesus. The pain and death of suffering people should not make us glad. Jesus came into the world so people would not perish (John 3:16).

A prophet can receive three types of vision for the future of a nation.

  • Some visions show what the people deserve. They show what the justice of God demands. Eg Amos 7:1.

  • The Holy Spirit sometimes shows his people what the spiritual powers of evil want to do. When people turn away from God, they give them authority to fulfil his plans. The devil is a destroyer, so these visions are often destructive. Spiritual people who are not Christians may also receive these visions, but from a different source.

  • Some visions show what God is going to do to turn his people back to him, as his justice is tempered by his mercy. The purpose of these events is restoring and purifying (Amos 7:7-9).

  • The first two types may be the same. Satan demands the right to execute the judgements that justice requires.

  • The first type of visions should be prayed against. The mercy of God should be claimed. (Jer 18:20; Jer 14:21; Dan 9:4-19; Ps 106:23).

  • The first type should not be proclaimed as if it were God's will, as this would give the devil permission to do it. If it is announced, it should be conditional. "This is what will happen, if you keep on the way that you are going".

  • The second type should be prayed against. We resist the enemy by disagreeing with his words and visions and declaring. "That is not God's will" (Eph 6:10-18).

  • The second type of vision should not be proclaimed as this would give glory to Satan. If Christians agree with this vision, it gives him authority to implement his plans, even if they are contrary to God's will.

  • The third type of vision should be prayed into being. It might still be scary, but because its purpose it mercy, it is right to pray for it. It is part of God's plans for restoration. When we declare these visions, it gives God's authority to do his will on earth.

  • A prophet who always looks to wrath is imitating Satan. A true prophet must centre on God's mercy.

  • When a vision is received, we must pray to find what type of vision it is. We must get God's perspective, before we proclaim the vision.

More at Watchmen.

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