Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Women and Ministry

I wrote my first book called the Bride of Christ: a Vision for the Church back in 1983. It was the result of my study of the functioning of the church in the New Testament. The book was well received, but not always acted on. (I have since rewritten and republished it as Being Church Where We Live.

Chapter 8 of Bride of Christ dealt with the Role of Women in the Church. I explained that the New Testament teaches that women can undertake all the roles listed in Eph 4:11-13. I wrote that women can be apostles, prophets, evangelists and pastor/teachers. There is no New Testament role that they are excluded from.

I must have been ahead of my time, because I note that books about women and ministry are now coming out all over the place. Sadly, they are needed more than ever.

In New Zealand, Lyn Packer has just released a good one called Daughters of Eve.

David Ellis is working on a book about women in the church.

In the UK, Lucy Peppiatt has published a good one called Rediscovering Scripture's Vision for Women.

There are plenty more good ones written by women. I hope the church will heed this call and restore women to the rightful role (as I suggested back in 1983).

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