Coping with Social Collapse (6) - Friends & Neighbours
Christian Friends
A group of Christian people, standing together, praying and watching out for each other may be able to resist some evil.When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place (Acts 2:1).
One hundred and twenty disciples were standing in one place. This made it quite difficult for the Jewish leaders to attack them. They were safe while they stayed together. The Upper Room was the safe place from which the church launched its rapid growth.
Every Christians should have a group of friends who will gather together to stand against evil. Paul was kept safe in Damascus and then Jerusalem (Acts 9) because he had other believers who watched out for him. Jeremiah had friends who took a stand and kept him safe (Jer 37,38).
Geography is important for spiritual warfare. Christians living in isolation will be outvoted spiritually in their locality. In contrast, a dozen Christians living the same neighbourhood will be able to unite in prayer to drive out the enemy and make their locality a spiritual stronghold for the Lord.
Most people living in suburbia hardly know their neighbours. During a time of social collapse, good relationships with neighbours will be essential. Christians can prepare for challenging times by developing strong relationships with their neighbours. This will be easier, if there are a number of Christians in the neighbourhood.If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone (Romans 12:18).
When organising the security of their neighbourhood, Christians will need to draw in other people that they trust, so that they can contribute their skills and resources to the common cause.