Sunday, February 26, 2012

Special Blessing

A special blessing is promised to those who read the book of Revelation.

Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it (Rev 1:3).
We should read Revelation and become familiar with its contents, so that if it is fulfilled in our time, we will be prepared. Those who have not read John’s visions will not realise what is happening. They will be overcome by these events, because they do not understand what God is doing.

God did not open heaven to John se we can make idle predictions. God does not give knowledge for the sake of knowledge. He is more interested in our actions in the present than in our speculations about the future.

John’s message is primarily for generations who live through the seasons prophesied. His visions will also give guidance about the right way to live during these times. When the world gets dark, God’s word will shine light in the darkness.

We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts (2 Peter 1:19).

The Holy Spirit proves that he is in control during times of darkness by prophesying them in advance. This should inspire his people with hope.

Reading Revelation should encourage us to serve Jesus with zeal. As we learn more of God’s plan for the future, we will understand what he wants us to do in the present. By fulfilling his purposes now, we can speed the fulfilment of all his plans. The knowledge of the glory of the Kingdom should inspire us to work and suffer for its coming.

Many Christian have read dozens of books about the so-called end times, but have never read the Book of Revelations right through. That is dangerous. The same is true of my book Times and Seasons. You should not read it, if you have not read the book of Revelation through several times.

Revelation is best read with a childlike attitude. When children read a book they quickly work out who are the winners and losers. They do not worry about all the detail. That is a good way to start reading Revelation. Read it right through and get the sweep of the drama.

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