Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Romans (9) Jewish Judger Again

In Romans 9-11, Paull addresses the situation of Israel. They had many advantages, especially the covenants and the law (Rom 9:4). He explains that God’s word has not failed. His law has not failed. God had two purposes for the law. The first was to provide spiritual protection for his people by warding of the spiritual powers of evil with animal sacrifices. The second purpose was to give a set of laws that would allow a nation of people to close live together in relative peace and harmony. The Israelites had not always applied these laws correctly, but these laws had not failed. They were successful when applied.

Paul then explains that Israel’s calling is certain, but that does not mean everyone will be rescued. He chose Jacob as the heir of his promises, even though Esau was the oldest. This was not unjust. It was a sign of God’s mercy at work (Rom 9:10-14).

For He says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whomever I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whomever I will have compassion.” So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy (Rom 9:15-16).
All God’s dealings with people are driven by his mercy.

After explaining God’s mercy, Paul addresses a question that must have been circulating.

Then why does God still blame us? For who is able to resist his will (Rom 9:19)?
Paul identifies the source of this question in his response.
On the contrary, who are you, O man, who answers back to God (Rom 9:20)?
By calling his challenger “O Man”, Paul confirms that he is answering the questions of the Jewish Judger again. He tells him that he has no right to answer back to God. He explains that just as a potter can smash his clay and start his pot again, God as the creator can do what he chooses with the people that he created (Rom 9:19-21).

The voice of the Jewish Judger comes through again in Romans 9:22.

What if God, although choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath—prepared for destruction?
This is the Jewish Judger's favourite theme. He claims that God is wanting to display his wrath and show off his power. He has created some people to be objects of wrath. They have no other purposes, but to be destroyed. This is the opposite of Paul’s message. God does not view people as objects of wrath. He looks upon people with love and mercy. He is sad when they reject his love and blessing. It is true that some will perish, but that is not God’s preference. It is the inevitable outcome for people who refuse to have anything to do with God. If they staunchly separate themselves from the God who sustains everything, they cannot continue to exist.

Pauls message comes out in the next sentence, which gives a different "what if".

What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory (Rom 9:23).
God does not demonstrate the riches of his glory by creating objects of wrath. He sees humans as objects of mercy. God displays his glory by showing mercy. Love, kindness and mercy is the heart of his character; not wrath and unforgiveness.

Paul confirms this message by quoting the Old Testament prophet Hosea. People who believe they are not God’s people will become his people (Rom 9:25).

Paul’s dominant theme is that God is merciful. He had personally experienced God’s mercy when he was persecuted Christians. Paul wanted everyone to know that God is merciful.

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