Saturday, January 27, 2007


A good quote from Oskari Juurikkala.

"Retirement" is a creation of the state. Before the establishment of government social security, no one would have thought about a period of idle leisure while waiting to die. In a free society, elderly people would continue to engage themselves in various professional and non-professional activities throughout their lives.

1 comment:

Gene said...

Amen and Amen

I know it's cliche but there is no word of any retirement in the Bible (other than becoming asleep with our fathers which we all will).

I love old Caleb, "give me that mountain" at 80 yrs old. Moses dissapointed that he didn't get to cross over and kick some x--tite pagan butt in the promised land.

I am a few days away from 62 yrs old. I'm more on fire and determined than ever before. If Jesus allows me to stay I will be more radical than this in 20 years.

There is no retirement. And, yes, I won't even retire even though according US law I could start taking Social Security in a few days.


I'm able to work, and like to work. Why quit now?

Great Quote