Friday, September 30, 2011

Fear and Terror

Fear and terror took hold of the church in the last few days, as prophecies of earthquakes and tsunami circulated among Christians. Now that the day of doom has passed with nothing happening, church leaders in Christchurch are angry with the women who released the words that started it all.

However, an important question is being missed. Why did Christians get caught up in this frenzy of fear and terror?

One reason is that thousands of spirits of fear have been able to get a foothold in the lives of Christians living in Christchurch. This did not happen when they read the prophecies and dreams. The spirits were already there. That is why the effect of the words has been so devastating. If fear and terror had not been stirred up by the spirit of fear, the response would have been different. The words and dreams were quite trivial and would have been ignored.

The spirit of fear gained a foothold during and following the earthquake. This raises an important question for the shepherds of the church in Christchurch. Why have fear and terror gained such a stronghold in the church? Why have these devouring spirits been able gain access to the people in their churches? Why have these spirits not been driven out?

If the problem is not dealt with, fear and terror will continue to be stirred by all sorts of different things, not just prophetic words. Fear really destroys faith, so this could hold the back the Kingdom, when the Spirit begins to move. See Discerning Seasons.

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