Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Spiritual Shift (12) Faith in Judgment

The warring violent spirit manifests among Christians as faith in the power of judgment. Many prophetic Christians believe in judgment. They have more faith in judgment than they have in the Holy Spirit. Many are prophesying that judgment will bring revival. This is a religious version of the spirit of domination and control.

There are two approaches to judgment.

1. Whack them Hard
until they repent. This is the common view. The problem is that it does not work. When people are hit by trouble and disaster, they just harden their hearts. This approach to judgment is a manifestation of the belief that domination and control can change a nation.

2. Shake Them
so the remnant can shine in the darkness. Judgment is more effective when a remnant has prepared itself. They will have built an alternative lifestyle that enables them to support each other through the tough times. They will have peace and joy in the power of the spirit, which mikes their lives attractive to those under judgment. They will have the resources to support those who join them. This allows a transformation of the future to begin

Most of the prophecies coming out of the United States describe a Whack them Hard type of judgment. They warn of disaster and trouble. However, there has been no call for a remnant to prepare, and very little guidance to Christians about what they should do to prepare.

America may face judgment, as many prophets are suggesting. Serious storms and internal turmoil may increase as they are predicting. However, this will not bring revival, because the remnant has not prepared, because the prophets are too busy worrying about getting the right president elected.

Disaster will strengthen the power of the federal government, but it will not destroy the American economy. Oil sufficiency and a petroleum gas surplus, and inshoring of manufacturing from China will reinvigorate the US economy. The European economy and political system will continue lurching from one crisis to another, as they try to implement global solutions, but cling to divided sovereignty. The Chinese economy will continue to grow, but will hit some judder bars along the way. The US economy will grow event stronger than its potential challengers. The strength of US military is already unmatched throughout the world. What other nation could simultaneously undertake two wars on the other side of the world, during a major economic crisis.

Economic supremacy will be a curse, not a blessing, because it will encourage even greater expansion of American military to undertake international adventures. Economic recovery will not restore personal wealth, but it will allow the federal government to greatly expand its powers.

Judgment will come in the form of loss of freedom, but many Christians will not see it, because they will be celebrating the enhancement of American power as a blessing.

More at Prophetic Events.

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