Friday, April 11, 2014


Many Christians are getting wound up about the movie Noah. I have not seen it yet, so I will not comment on the movie. However, I presume that part of the problem is that most Christians are only familiar with Noah as a sweet children’s story about boats and rainbows. Very few Christians understand that Noah was a key player in God’s strategy to recapture the authority that had been stolen by the spiritual powers of evil. Noah’s life was a messy one, because he was caught up in massive spiritual struggle, at a time when the Holy Spirit was not able to come and live in those who were called by God. The rainbow covenant was a huge step forward in God’s strategy, and still is, but few of his people understand it.


Anonymous said...

From what I have read, the movie displays little respect for the Biblical account. What mystifies me is that Christians would expect anything else from the film industry.

Ron McK said...

My point is that most Christians do not have much respect for the Biblical account either. They treat it as an interesting event with no significance. So we should not be surprised that the world does the same.

Anonymous said...

Glass half full.
Thanks Hollywood this has been a great conversation starter from all sorts of unexpected aquaintances. People see it for what it is (an armchair critics dream come true). Best not to choke on the pips but take advantage of the conversational oportunities and draw attention to what is important and relevant. The screenplay has Noah visit the world of men and we see through his eyes the sad and disappointing mess that God would soon sweep away.