MIC (3) Messages
Jezebel works in the background by sending messages to get her work done. These messages were mostly lies intended to intimidate. Sometimes they were flattery to entice.
When Elijah killed the prophets of Baal, she sent a message to him, warning that he would be dead in a day. That was a lie, because his life was in God hands, but it still had the desired effect (1 Kings 19:2).
She dealt with Naboth by sending a letter to the nobles and elders of his city. The letter lied about his character, but told the city leaders what to do. They carried out her instructions (1 Kings 21:9).
When Jehu came to kill her, she called out her message. This time she used flattery, but Jehu was too ruthless to be taken in (2 Kings 9:31).
The MIC spirit (Manipulation and Intimidation for Control) has stifled the gift of healing in Christchurch by delivering a negative message to Christians living in the city. When a person who has been prayed for by the church dies, it prompts people to say, “God does not heal everyone” or “God could have healed them, but he chose not to”. “It was God’s will that they died”. These words are not true, but grieving Christians often believe the negative message and blame God for the death of the person that they loved. By doing this, they unwittingly take offence at God.
In a city where the leaders have taken offence at God, the Holy Spirit cannot do many miracles. Nazareth took offence at Jesus, and he could not do any great work there (see Rock of Offence).
Negative Power
Mark 6:5 is an amazing verse. “Dunamis” the Greek word for explosive power is used twice, with a negative.
And he had no power (dunamo) in that place to do any mighty work (dunamis).
Jesus was the Son of God, who had come down from heaven. The Holy Spirit had come upon him when he was baptised. Yet in Nazareth, he had no power (dunamo) and he could do no mighty work (dunamis).
Why was Jesus powerless? The cause was the declarations made by the people for Nazareth in the previous two verses, denying that Jesus was the son of God, and denying his wisdom.
Where did this man get these things?” they asked. “What’s this wisdom that has been given him? What are the remarkable miracles he is performing? Isn’t this the carpenter? Isn’t this Mary’s son (Mark 6:2-3)?
Negative declarations by people with authority in a place can shut down the power of God.
The MIC spirit cannot shut down the power of the Holy Spirit. He is much too strong for that. What this spirit can do is speak messages to people in authority in a town or city. If they accept and declare the message, they have authority to shut down the power of the Holy Spirit. This is how she killed Naboth (1 Kings 21:9).
The same thing has happened in Christchurch. The MIC spirit gave a false message to the leaders of the church when people they had prayed for died. “God can decide not to heal a person” “God does not heal everyone”. When the leaders declared these words, the power of the Holy Spirit was shut down. He has no power in the place nor can he do any mighty works there.
Church leaders have authority in the city. When believers are praying for people to be healed in Jesus name, their words from the past seep down and stifle the Holy Spirit. MIC created a Rock of Offence, which has quenched the Spirit’s power.
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