Monday, August 20, 2018

New Covenant Prophecy (1)

Living in New Zealand, I have never been to the Bethel School of Prophets, so it was interesting to listen to a video of Dan McCollam speaking at it. His focus was on new covenant prophecy.

I really like what he had to say. He spoke about four big transitions that God is bringing about.

  1. Transition from demonstrators to equippers

    We are experiencing the greatest prophetic move in history. More people are prophesying now than at any time in history. It is not just a fad, but part of the dream of God being fulfilled on earth in this time.

    I agree with this sentiment. We have an abundance of prophecy, but judging from the prophetic bulletins and lists, we also have an abundance of prophetic mush. We also need to see a refining of prophecy. I would prefer less quantity and greater quality (1 Cor 14:24-25) I am sure that Dan would agree with that.

  2. Transition from old covenant (judgment-based) to new covenant (reconciliation-based) prophecy.

    There must be a transition from exposing sin and announcing judgment to reconciliation and restoration. Our focus is not to create a greater sin-consciousness on earth, but to create a greater God-consciousness on earth. Our goal is not to point out what is wrong with the earth, but to fix what is wrong on the earth through the answer of the Lord Jesus Christ and the treasures of wisdom that are hidden for such a time as this. We need prophets that are firmly established in the new covenant prophetic purpose and protocols.

    New covenant prophecy is an impartation of courage, strength and comfort to take hold of earth-shaking destinies… so that people have the courage and strength and comfort to transform the world with kingdom realities. Releasing the grace that transforms the earth. We have a message of reconciliation (2 Cor 5:17-19) so our ministry must be a ministry of reconciliation.

    God died so he could write a new covenant. He made that covenant with his son, so we could not mess it up. Jesus invites us into the covenant he has with the father.

    We must explore the glories of the new covenant. If we are going to see the manifestation of his glory in this realm, we must be fully committed to the new covenant pattern. We must not bring some of the old over with it.

    I agree with the desired outcome, but disagree with the basis for it. I will explain this in my next few posts.

  3. Transition from consumer to contributor

    Gods dream for the prophetic is not just to give us words for each other, but to confirm our access to the heart and mind of Christ. We can use this access to find treasures of wisdom and knowledge to release and manifest the Kingdom of God (Col 2:2-3). Wisdom is being revealed by prophetic innovation.

    We can only get God’s wisdom in a body. Each person gets a bit. We must be the generation that gets it together to receive everything God has for us.

    Our assignment is not going to heaven, it is bringing heaven to earth. The question is not how often we go to heaven, but what we are bringing from heaven to earth. We have a wonderful opportunity to change what the prophetic looks like on in earth in this generation.

  4. Transition from prophetic celebrities to raising prophetic communities

    It is not enough to train good prophets, we must build prophetic communities. Our call is to re-establish the company of the prophets and the culture of the prophetic.

    We have a wonderful opportunity. We must change what the prophetic looks like on the earth. In this generation, we must rewrite the DNA of the prophetic. What we pass on will be greater than what we have received. If we join together, we will rise together.

We live under the new covenant, so I agree with Dan McCollam that we need new covenant prophecy, but we must think a bit more about what that means. I will do that in my next few posts.

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