Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Book Is About To Close On The Late Great United States Of America

Michael Snyder in the Book is About to Close on The Late Great United States off America says:

We live at a time when “evil” is called “good” and “good” is called “evil”, and just about every form of human degradation that you can possibly imagine is absolutely exploding in our society. For years I have been warning that if we stay on the path that we are currently on, there is no future for America. I think that a lot of people assumed that I was exaggerating, but I wasn’t. Other societies throughout human history have believed that they could stay ahead of the consequences of their evil ways, but of course the truth is that justice is a relentless predator. We have completely rejected all of the values that this nation was founded upon, we have embraced wickedness on an industrial scale, and the blood of millions upon millions of our victims cries out to us from the ground. And those that would dare to warn us to turn from our evil ways are some of the most hated members of our entire society.
I doubt that dreams shared towards the end of the article will appear on the Elijah List.

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