Thursday, August 05, 2021

Tabernacle of David (3) Jehoshaphat’s Victory

Evil is defeated by obedience, not praise. This principle is illustrated in 2 Chronicles 20:1-30, although the passage is usually interpreted incorrectly to claim that worship caused the victory.

The Moabites and Ammonites raised an army and attacked Judah during the time when Jehoshaphat was king. When he sent his army into battle, he put singers at the front of the army. The usual teaching based on this passage presents a pattern,

Crisis ▶ Worship ▶ Victory
This account of Jehoshaphat’s victory misses some important details.
  • When Jehoshaphat heard that a huge enemy army was approaching Judah, he resolved to inquire of the Lord. All the people came together to seek God (20:2-13).

  • The spirit of the Lord came upon Jahaziel the prophet and gave him a message for Jehoshaphat describing exactly where and how he should fight the invading army. God said that the Jehoshaphat would not have to fight the battle. They should stand firm and watch the victory of God. 20:14-17

  • Jehoshaphat and the people worshipped God (20:18-19).

  • Jehoshaphat told the people the word of the prophet and told them to trust it. He said that they should have faith in God.

  • Jehoshaphat set people at the front of the army to sing praises to God.

  • God intervened and defeated the invading army.

The pattern of behaviour in this account is the following.
Crisis ▶ Seek God ▶ Prophet speaks ▶ Obedience ▶ Praise ▶ Victory.
There were three keys to this victory.
  • Jehoshaphat responded to the crisis by seeking God’s help.

  • Prophets were present who could deliver God’s instructions.

  • Jehoshaphat and the people obeyed God’s instructions.

The worship was a good response to God’s promise because it expressed faith in him. However, the worship was not essential for the victory. If they had sought God, listened to his prophets and obeyed God’s instructions, they would have achieved the victory anyway. Praise was a good expression of faith, but it was obedience to God’s instructions that produced the victory. The worship was good, but superfluous to it.
  • If the people had obeyed God, but not worshipped, they would still have received the victory.

  • If the people had praised God but failed to obey his instructions, they would have been defeated.

Praise is not a substitute for compliance. Worship is not a substitute for compliance with God’s will. This is a truth that seems to have been forgotten by the worship leaders who teach that victory over the spiritual powers of evil comes through praise and worship. This is a dangerous delusion that will lead to disappointment and defeat.

Victory comes through hearing God’s word and obeying it. We forget that at our peril.

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