Focus on the Cause not the Symptoms (4)
Much modern prophecy is very shallow. Real prophets go deep to the heart of an issue. They are not distracted by surface issues and symptoms that that are not the real cause of what is happening. Prophets press in deeper until they get to the crux of the issues that are shaping the heart of their nation.
Abortion is an example of this problem. Most Christians realise that abortion is a terrible sin. Some get really stirred up about it, but this prevents them from seeing the real issues affecting their nation. Abortion is not a legal issue, but a manifestation of a much deeper spiritual malaise. Something is seriously wrong with the spirit of nation when many young women feel compelled to destroy their future (their children).
Prophetic people are wasting energy when they attempt to make abortion illegal, because banning abortion deals with the symptoms of the problem, but does not change the underlying cause that is rooted deep in the culture. The prophetic task is to expose the cracks in the heart of the nations that are manifesting through abortion. The solution is not a change in the law, but deep-seated repentance, a renewed world view, and powerful healing by God.
Abortion is just one manifestation of an impaired spirit. The Left Behind phenomena is another manifestation of the same core flaw. Many Christians have lost confidence in the future and are looking to Jesus to come and rescue them soon. They have no confidence in the ability of the Holy Spirit to establish the Kingdom of God. This lack of faith puts them in danger of being cut off from their future, just as the young woman who has an abortion cuts off her own future. Abortion and rapture obsession are manifestations of the same spiritual blemish.
Division is another surface issue that can distract us. Many Christians are concerned about the powerful divisions that are wracking America. It is true that a house divided cannot stand, but division is never the root cause. Division is just a symptom of a far deeper defect that should to be exposed by the prophets.
Many Christians are stirred up about homosexual marriage, but again they are focussing on the symptoms and not the root cause. Christian prophets will realise that homosexuality is a symptom and not the real crack in the heart of their culture.
Ezekiel understood this issue well. When he describing the sin of Sodom, this is what he said.
Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy (Ezekiel 16:49).Sodom’s root sin was not homosexuality, but arrogance, laziness and refusal to care for the poor. It seems that when a society makes and idol of comfort and pleasure, it descends into a promiscuity that eventually manifests in homosexuality. What Lot found in Sodom was just the natural outcome for a society that worshipped comfort and wealth.
Lot saw the symptoms of the problem and like many Christian was upset about what he saw. Ezekiel looked much deeper and realised that the key issue was a love of comfort and pleasure. We need more prophets like Elijah who can see deep into the heart of our nation.
The Holy Spirit will establish the Kingdom of God when Christians realize that they do need to obey all of the teachings of Jesus.
They do not currently think it is necessary to obey Jesus/God, which is why the world is still in a bad state.
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a wise and well written post I can only say i agree with.
That said i do completely reject the christian religion as it is practiced in church and groups.
But that also might be because those to me are as corrupt as the federal reserve system, and could have nothing to do with the religion.
I am not very keen on religion either. I find Jesus refreshing in comparison.
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