Sunday, June 27, 2010

NZ Spirit

Christianity in New Zealand is a funny thing. For more than thirty years, leaders and international visitors have been prophesying that revival will start in New Zealand and spread throughout the world. Alongside, this the idea seems to have taken hold that revival will just fall from the sky, automatically, without Christians having to do anything. May be that is why revival has not come?.


David said...

Really - same here in New England. Whatever happened to repentance, and prayer.

woodicus said...

I've moved around a bit. In every place I've lived in there's been hype and prophecies that revival is going to start in that city/town and spread to the rest of the nation and world from there...they can't all be right, you get a bit tired of hearing it after a while...

Jeff said...

Interesting. I'm not a big fan of the term "revival," personally. I think it's because the term means different things to different people. If, by "revival," you mean a great number of people coming to faith in Christ, then I think Scripture tells us that's something only God can do (see John 6:44, for example). If instead, you mean "revival" to mean Christians pursuing a closer relationship with God, then I think such a revival would start with repentance.