Saturday, December 19, 2009

False Christmas

During December, consumers in most Western nations will spend double what they spend in a normal month. They will spend about a twelfth of all that they earn in a year celebrating Christmas. To paraphrase,

Never before in human history
have so many people
spent so much money they do not have
on gifts they do not like
for people who do not need them.
What a waste! We spend a twelfth of all we earn
celebrating a materialism,
that cannot give peace and joy,
but always disappoints.

We put tremendous effort into putting Christ back into Christmas,
but no one asks him whether he wants to be there or not.
Maybe he would sooner be among the hurt and the poor.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"We put tremendous effort into putting Christ back into Christmas,
but no one asks him whether he wants to be there or not."

Very well said!