Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bonanza Gospel

The dominant story in Western culture is one in which “the good guys ride out to shoot up the bad guys and rescue the pretty girl”. In this story, the Kingdom of God will not come until Big Jesus returns on his white horse with is his six shooter and beats up the bad guys. In the interim the Kingdom of God is just a nice dream.

A good western needs a character who uses the “turn your other cheek method”, but he always proves to be the noble fool. The third person of the Trinity is just like Little Joe in Bonanza. He is a nice guy with good intentions who blunders into situations, but he has to wait for big brother Hoss to come and sort things out.

We seem to have enormous faith the ability Jesus to establish the kingdom by returning and waving a big stick, but no faith in ability the Holy Spirit to establish the Kingdom by changing human hearts.

Sin and evil really messed up this world. If Jesus dealt with sin and evil, then everything should change. Yet the gospel I often hear says that nothing much will change until Big Jesus returns. Unfortunately, a gospel that does not change everything, it is a pretty pathetic gospel.

I am not interested in a big stick gospel or a six shooter gospel.

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