Thursday, August 26, 2010

God's Nation

I recently listened several times to a prophetic word spoken by Dr Bill Hamon at an International Prayer Gathering on 26 July 2010. It raised some interesting issues.

Dr Hamon says that God is soon going to “allow a thing to happen” in America that is “greater than 9/11”. He does not say what the thing is. Maybe he does not know, but “a thing” seems to be quite different from John Paul Jackson’s word about a perfect storm, in which a whole series of traumatic events will hit America one after the other. I am not sure what to make of that difference. I suppose that people will assume that the former is the beginning of the latter.

In his supporting comments, Dr Hamon said that “God raised the American nation up for a purpose”. This is not true. In the New Testament age, God does not work through nations. He works through his Holy Spirit dwelling in groups of Christians who love one another. God sets the times for the rising and falling of nations (Acts 17:26) and he uses them to bring about judgments, but nations are not his vehicle for bringing salvation to the world. Since Jesus became the saviour of the world, God works through his body on earth.

Dr Hamon also said that “God is jealous for his nation, that he will arise like a man of war and fight for his church and his nation, like did for his nation Israel. This is not true. God no longer has nations, because he has the body of Jesus living on earth. The United States is not God’s nation. God is jealous for his church and this kingdom, but he is not jealous for a nation.


Gene said...

This fellow's word seems to confirm the visions Hamon and others have had.

What think ye of It:

Gene Redlin

Ron McK said...

I think this one is nonsense.

The common teaching that salvation comes through blessing the nation of Israel is a false teaching that undermines the cross. It is salvation by good works. Our salvation and security come through the cross and is received through faith and repentance. Any other teaching is a denial of the cross.

The idea that a group of people can sin freely, yet be kept safe by blessing the nation of Israel is absurd. A few good deeds cannot cancel out a flood of sinful deeds. That is salvation by works.