Friday, August 13, 2010

Tribulation (3) - Time of Distress

The Jews will come to faith during a period of tumult in the Middle East. Wars, famines, plagues and death will occur and the people of the earth will be thrown into fear. The response of the world will be a huge consolidation of political power in a vain attempt to hold back the chaos. Political powers will be given enormous powers in return for a promise to bring back peace, order and prosperity. However, because they are opposing God, they will fail and the situation will deteriorate even more.

The political powers will persecute those who stand against them, so this will be painful for God’s people. Those who stay true to Jesus will be strengthened by this refining process and be made ready for the times that lie ahead. Those who overcome during this time of chaos will be prepared to share in the Kingdom of God as it comes on earth (Rev 2:26,27).

Most of the pressure during this season of distress will actually be directed against the political powers, and they will eventually collapse under the strain. In this season, most of the pain will be felt by human political powers and not the ordinary people. The pressure is God’s plan for removing a key obstacle to the coming of his Kingdom among his people.

This time should not be called “The Tribulation”. The chaos that brings down the political powers and brings in the Jews will be a time of tribulation for many Christians, but this will be no different from the experience of many Christians down through the ages. It will be just one more period of tribulation. Describing it as something unique is misleading, and unfair to Christians from earlier ages who have often suffered terribly for the Lord.

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