Friday, April 27, 2012


I dislike the way that the representative of the armed forces claim that they fought to preserve e my freedom, and their assumption that without their efforts I would not be free. At a superficial level, that is true. The reality is that they fought to keep us from living under a bad government to preserve the power of a government that was better. However, that better government still places severe limits on my freedom. They fought for political freedom, but that is not our ultimate goal.

True freedom is far greater and totally different. It was purchased by Jesus when he died on the cross, and we receive it by believing in him. The Holy Spirit sets us free from bondage to sin (Rom 8:21). He transfers us out of the dominion of darkness and into the kingdom of Jesus (Col 1:13). This is real freedom that no evil government can take away.

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed (John 8:28).
An evil government cannot prevent me from obeying the voice of the Spirit. It can harass and persecute me for worshipping Jesus, but that just ushers me into the fellowship of Jesus sufferings (Phil 3:10), which is a blessing. If it kills me, it is sending me directly to the glorious freedom of eternal life.

True freedom cannot be brought by winning wars. It is a gift from God through Jesus and the Spirit.

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