Friday, February 21, 2014

VVVV (4) Describe Clearly

In her book called Visions, Visitations and the Voice of God, Lyn Packer advises Christians to be careful how they describe what they see in the spiritual realms.

People need to know exactly what we are saying. There are three extremes we can go to when describing visions and experiences. One can lead to pride, another to a false sense of humility, and the last can lead to deception.

The first extreme is when we love to use the correct term but do so in a way that is designed to impress those we are talking to. We need to be careful that we don’t allow spiritual pride to creep in Pride can defile not only our ability to see and hear, but also our delivery.

The next extreme is to down play everything. We often do this out of a false sense of humility. Don’t be afraid to use the word “vision” if you have had a vision.

The last extreme is to exaggerate or stretch the truth. Most of don’t do that deliberately, but we may say things like, “I saw a vision” when we mean that we sensed, perceived, or had an impression.

Be careful to make sure you are accurate in how you describe things. Otherwise you will end up misleading people and in the end you could damage you credibility as well.

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