Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Ten Reasons (8) Entertainment Empire

The spirit that controls the Beast of Revelation uses music and entertainment to gain influence (Rev 18:23-24). John calls this witchcraft. Traditional emperors used witchcraft as a source of wisdom and to shape thinking about the world. The modern equivalent is the entertainment industry. Modern people are taught what to believe by the music, movie and television industries.

The music industry has become very powerful. Musicians are the philosophers of the current age, who create the patterns of thinking that undergird an entire movement. The result has been an enormous shift in values.

Advertising and Materialism
American business and advertising have worked together to shape the culture all over the world. Television advertising tells people what they need. It fosters hedonism and materialism: new cars, new houses, beautiful bodies. This demand has been an important driver of the American economy.

The "spin doctors" who manage the image of politicians are the new palace magicians. Their power is so great that a good image is more important than sound policies for winning an election.

Television Morality
Television and movies are powerful tools for shaping culture. The United States is the base of an enormous entertainment industry that spreads evil. The television industry has filled the living rooms of people all over the world with filth and abominable things that would not have been allowed near our houses in earlier generations. Blasphemy has become commonplace. The names of God and Jesus have become the most common expletives.

The entertainment empire is very hostile to the Christian faith and the church. When Christians appear in popular programmes are usually are mocked. They are portrayed as slightly feeble and out of touch with life. The American entertainment industry determines what is good and evil. Once the media takes sides, anyone opposing their view is relentless mocked. Talkback hosts and are the prophets of this new age.

Secular Humanism
The voice that dominated the last century is secular humanism. This philosophy came out of universities in the United States and Europe and through the media has flooded the entire world. Humanism shapes the way the modern world thinks. This movement has been so successful, that humanity has become its own god.

The United States is the centre from which secularism humanism has been exported into the world. The American movie, television and music industries shape the universal culture that is sweeping the world. Together with the universities, these industries have spread humanism throughout the world.

Christians often only see one side of their nation’s culture and behaviour. They think of the thousands of American missionaries that have bent out into the world to share the gospel, but they ignore the humanistic, and often evil, content being sent into the world by Hollywood and the television industry. This has a far greater impact on the culture of the world than all the missionaries.

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