Sunday, February 18, 2007

Do we Need the Government? (3) - Protection from Violence

A variety of options are open to those who feel vulnerable to attack.

  • Staying inside at night and only going out when it is safe.
  • Learning a martial art
  • Payinng protection money to local gang
  • Employing a personal body guard.
  • Staying close to a group of people you trust. This is the cheapest option.
The civil government is a poor option, because the police do not undertake to provide protection for individual people. Their only commitment is to catch people who assault others and fine them. The worst offenders will be put in prison for a time. The existence of the police may discourage people from being violent and may take the more violent people out of circulation. This may assist others, but it does not help the person who is being assaulted. Even if aperson being threatened is able to call the police, they are unlikely to arrive in time to prevent an assault occuring.

Those who want government for protection from violence are likely to be disappointed.

1 comment:

Steve Scott said...

I just posted a piece about when gangs work better than police. I agree that relying on the state for protection from violence can be disappointing, but that's what we modern sheep are taught to do. Baaaaaaaaa.