Kingdom of God (2) - Totally Different
The Kingdom of God will be totally different from what most people expect. Christians will not get power currently held by politicians and political powers. The kingdom of God is not a Christian political party being elected to power. Christian leaders will not get to hold the office of Prime Minister or President. Christians will not get to tell political leaders what to do. Jesus will not rule from a throne in Jerusalem. A Christian bureaucracy will not take control of the world.
The Kingdom of God will not be imposed from the top down. Jesus made this clear when James and John asked for the privilege of sitting at by his side when he came in his Kingdom.Jesus called them together and said, “You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all (Mark 10:42-45).
There is no place for force and control in the Kingdom. Force and control belong to the kingdoms of the world. They will be swept away during the Time of Distress, so they must not be recreated for the Kingdom of God.
The kingdom of God is a voluntary kingdom that is totally different from the kingdoms of the world. Coercion and force have no place in it (Matt 26:53). Jesus established the Kingdom by submitting to the political powers and freely dying on the cross, a totally different way of doing kingdom. It will not be established by military power and political coercion, but by suffering and service.
Jesus rules in a totally different way from other kings. No threats! No shouting! No Fear! No detailed regulations! No coercion! No force! No security services seeking out opposition! No torture for opponents of the Kingdom! Jesus refused to use force, even though he could have called on his Father to send a whole host of angels to his aid (Matt 26:52,53). Jesus knows that loyal followers are not won by force. The best way is to win hearts is through the inner work of the Holy Spirit as the church proclaims the gospel. The Kingdom of God will be established by the Spirit.
Hi Ron: I'm really struggling with a lot of this, and I'm not sure where to start. But I'll try. 1) Jesus also said the kingdom is within in us. His comments to the disciples were not only for the future, but also for the present--yet churches and housechurches are full of this same type of position-oriented authority rather than spirit-led authority. 2) The scriptures clearly state that the Son will rule with a rod of iron that crushes. That doesn't mean He is evil or unrighteous; it means that not everyone in the physical kingdom will be submitted to its laws and will have to be dealt with. If Satan can deceive many at the very end, then clearly not all present are pure of heart. In fact, the prophets describe countries being disciplined with drought if they fail to observe the laws. Iron Rod. 3) But I do agree, I do not see this working out as a "Kingdom Now" political bureaucracy full of worldly authority.
You overestimate the power of the devil and the capability of force. Force can only create an ugly kingdom. The reason the devil is to able to raise an army is not that rebellion is smoldering underneath, but because God is merciful and releases him for a second chance, (that is wasted).
You underestimate the power of the Spirit to spread the gospel and regenerate hearts. You cannot judge him on the past, because the has been restrained until now.
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