Friday, May 24, 2024

American Prophecy (2) External Threat

The first theme of the American prophecy is a bizarre claim that a caliphate led by Iran. (They don’t seem to realise that Iran is Shia Moslem, which is a heresy to the Sunni Moslem nations that dominate the Middle East. That would be like assuming that fundamentalist churches in the United States would accept the Pope as their spiritual and political leader. Neither group would ever submit to it). Iran is a weak nation with very limited capability. It would not risk a major attack on a state with nuclear powers.

In the comments she claimed that the United States needs a war president to resist this malign force. This stirring of fear and hatred is dangerous, as it empowers the military-industrial complex that dominates the US political system.

The irony that escapes these prophets is that all the nations that they see as threatening have been invaded or overthrown by the United States in recent times: The US fought a pointless but destructive twenty-year war against Afghanistan; US bombing of Libya destroyed a prosperous nation and released a destructive civil war; a US invasion of Iraq killed hundreds of thousands, destroyed a flourishing economy, and empowered Iran. The US fostered an illegal civil war in Syria, training and equipping groups linked to Al Qaeda and stealing oil. The United States organised a coup in Iran that overthrew a democratically-elected leader and imposed the Shah as dictator with the support of violent security services. The US is now facilitating another massacre and famine in Gaza. So, it is not surprising that the people in these nations are angry with the United States. If a nation goes around the world fighting and destroying, it should not be surprised that it is hated.

There has been no repentance for these immoral and disastrous US actions. The US prophets were cheerleaders for all these US wars and military actions, and they seem to want more.

The United States is a massive island, which has never been invaded (except by Europeans in the 18th century). The nations of the Middle East simply do not have the military capacity to invade the United States. If the US remains united, Islamic movements would not be capable of destabilising it. The American church has the best gospel ever, so if it can’t win migrants from the Middle East for Jesus, it should look at itself.

If the United States faces any threat, it comes from division within (not from external foes). The warmongering of successive presidents has released powerful spirits of violence and war in their nation. If these are not removed by genuine repentance, The US will experience increased internal violence and fighting between feuding factions that will severely weaken the nation.

The US prophets seem to be so blinded by fear and xenophobia that they are oblivious to these risks. Their warmongering actually empowers the violent/warring spirits that are attacking their nation.

In the last few decades, the United States has wrecked dozens of nations without regret: Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, and now Gaza. Using military force to do good, but creating evil and disasters seems to have become America’s forte.

The American prophets don’t seem to care about the people suffering in these nations (I presume they blame the people for not accepting America’s perverse generosity). They only seem to care about what happens in their own nation.

In this season, I find Jonathan Cook, a secular journalist living in Nazareth, and Chris Hedges, who pastured a small church while studying at Harvard Divinity School, to be far more prophetic than those who call themselves prophets.

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