This definition bears thinking about.Democracy is a form of Polytheism.
Any guesses whose words? Not Thomas Jefferson.
Being Church is our Calling.
The Kingdom of God is our Glorious Hope.
This definition bears thinking about.Democracy is a form of Polytheism.
Any guesses whose words? Not Thomas Jefferson.
Thanks to Google and COMOPS, one can learn that the answer to the question "Who said Democracy is a form of Polytheism" is prominent islamist ideologues like Abu Muhammad Asem al-Maqdisi and Abu Bakar Bashir.
I am intrigued that no Christians were using the phrase. Have you thought about what means?
I'm going out on a limb now. I realize that Muslims recognize Jesus as a prophet and a teacher, but not as LORD.
I'm guessing that the scriptural texts of Mt 22:17 - 21, Mr 12:14-16, and Lu 20:22-25 are foreign to their way of thinking. However, those descended from the Judeo-Christian European culture (esp. Americans) believe in the separation of church and state as presented there.
Therefore, when Jefferson, Madison, Adams et al were borrowing from John Lock and others, it was only natural to enshrine democracy into natural human rights.
Now, democracy has become a touchstone to Americans, but is anathema to Muslims. It is like telling a child that the medicine tastes good because some sugar has been added to it, but the sugar tastes like vinegar to the child.
It becomes no way to promote the spread of democracy in the world.
I listened to part of President Obama's interview with al Arabia. Many of the words are phrases he used were correct. But, he never said WHY he was saying those words. He may have been in church, but he seems to have missed the point of imago dei. I believe that we are ALL created in the image of God - black, white, yellow, other; male, female; Christian, Jew, Muslim, Shinto, Hindu, and more. ALL are God's children.
But Muslims only seem to recognize rights in other Muslims.
Peace in the Middle East seems doomed. As does the war on terrorism. Afghanistan will become to President Obama what Iraq became to President Bush.
So, what do you think? Am I close to what you were thinking?
My thoughts were much simpler.
America is a democracy, but how many gods does America have? Definitely more than one. That makes America polytheistic. The separation of church and state actually legitimises polytheism.
If democracy fosters polytheism, shouldn’t Christians be concerned?
I am a bit miffed. I – alone in the world of six billion people and on New Zealand’s twelfth most popular Christian blog – answer your question about “Democracy being a form of polytheism.” And what do I get? Not appreciation or even acknowledgement of a correct answer. No! Only another question. So, I answer your second question – this time no quick Google search can answer the question. It requires analysis, Biblical references and more. All of which I do. Again, no response as to the validity (or lack thereof) to the answer; no comment on the Biblical references; no acknowledgement even that I had indeed answered.
No, all I get is another question! A question designed entirely to CONTROL the conversation. To control thought processes to your way of thinking.
And now that I have decided to postpone my response to the controlling questions, I see that you have taken the question out of the thread of comments and made it your latest post. But, no one has responded yet (he-he).
But I will answer. I always planned to do so. Only this time with more effort and thought behind my answer.
So, your first question was: America is a democracy, but how many gods does America have?
The simple answer is too many to count. But, the most important answer lies within the commandment. You know which one I am writing about: the First Commandment. It states (in part): “You shall have no other gods before me.” In fact, this commandment and the three previous Biblical references I already posted indicate the presence of other gods. Indeed, they necessitate their existence. Oh, and not just for Americans. No, for the entirety of humankind! Yes, even for people in New Zealand and even for Blessed Economists.
Is Democracy the God That Failed? [Hoppe]I don’t know. Haven’t read the book yet, but it is on my list.
Jesus had much to say about wealth and possessions. His parables make a variety of implicit and explicit statements about economic aspects of our lives. Unfortunately, much of the teaching we receive from the pulpit and in popular Christian literature on the economic issues raised by these parables is simplistic moralization. I suspect the reason for this is that most often those doing the teaching are either theologians with little knowledge of economics or thinkers who know economics but haven’t done extensive biblical study. [Kruse]
Your second question was: “If democracy fosters polytheism, shouldn’t Christians be concerned?”
Well, based on the answer I’ve given so far, I would have to say, “Not in the least.”
And before you respond, take off your rose colored glasses that view America differently from New Zealand – another democracy if I’m not mistaken. Americans aren’t perfect; no one is. Yes, America is a super-power. But everyone needs friends. I believe that all Christians are called to act as the father figure in the parable of the prodigal son. [Nowen] We are all called to welcome home, to love, to forgive.
BTW, I’ve been to New Zealand. I remember it well. October 1973 to be exact. I was flying as a NAVigator on the C141 Starlifter aircraft (you can email me directly at if you like if you can figure out my email address). We participated in Operation Deep Freeze. We took supplies down to McMurdo NAS in Antarctica. Our plane flew the first people out from the six-month winter stay there. Bought several sheepskins – it seemed the thing to do. I recall that Kentucky Fried Chicken opened their first franchise restaurant there at the time. We appreciated it, but only because the people were lined up there so we could eat at any of the Fish ‘n Chips places without crowds.
PS I see that this blog doesn't allow hyperlinks. Well, there were three: one to Hans Herman Hoppe's book, one to Michael Kruse's blog, and to Henri Nowen's book. Book references were links to Amazon.
Shalom again,
Congratulations Bill.
You were the only person in the entire world to get the correct answer. I gather Osama (or his ghost) has also used the statetment.
I have read Hoppe's book. Very worth while reading.
I knew Deep Freeze quite well. During the summer of 1975, after finishing economics studies and before going to theological studies in Dunedin, I had a temporary job as a cleaner in the barracks used by the US Navy personnel before and after their flights south. I made the beds for about forty officers and cleaned out the toilet and shower blocks every day. So if you had been a couple of yeara later, I might have made your bed, if you were an officer. Fortnuately, I have been quite upwardly mobile since those bathroom cleaning days.
We now have McDonalds, Pizza Hutt, Subway and Starbucks so our choice of food in Christchurch is much better.
When I was there we all stayed in different places. Three of us (officers) stayed in two 'rental' rooms of a neighborhood house (dont' think it was even a B&B). Can't remember where the others stayed. I shared a room with a superior officer (I was quite junior) who snored relenlessly. It would have been a much more pleasant trip had I been able to sleep.
October was early in the season, before they got busy and opened up the barracks, for all the personnel going down.
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